Reasons for Vaginal Itching in Women

Vaginal itching is not only uncomfortable but frequently painful. The condition appears mainly as a result of menopause, infection or irritating substances. Besides, certain skin disorders, especially sexually transmitted diseases, can trigger the occurrence of the devastating condition.

Even though in the vast majority of instances vaginal itching is not the reason for worries or concern, you need to contact a healthcare specialist to exclude the risk of more serious health problems.

Reasons for Vaginal Itching

Following the medical information, these are the most typical causes of vaginal itching and accompanying complications:

  • Specific irritants. Certain chemicals used in sprays, soaps and other agents may launch an allergic reaction, causing itching, rash, swelling, and similar disorders. Feminine sprays, ointments, douches, soaps, bubble baths, detergents, and similar chemicals are the most common irritants.
  • Skin problems. Psoriasis, eczema and a range of other health problems can cause itching and redness in the vaginal area. Despite both disorders appear mainly on elbows, knees, arms and similar parts of the body, their outbreaks can sometimes occur in the vagina.
  • Yeast infection. It is a well-known fact that yeast is a fungus always present in small amounts in the vagina. While in the normal state, it doesn’t cause any complications or abnormalities. However, when aggravated or infected, it can create devastating discomfort and itching within the vaginal area.
  • Stress. Emotional and physical stress can also be the reason for vaginal irritations and itching. It is known that stress interferes not only with the central nervous system, but it can also weaken the immune system, leaving much space for infection.
  • STDs. Trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital warts, genital herpes, and similar sexually-transmitted diseases can launch a range of unwanted complications and health problems.

Persistent itching, which cannot be treated with the help of home remedies, should be improved and eliminated in the doctor’s office. Contact your healthcare specialist to find out the reason for the disorder and treat it.

Published by Evelyn Green