Who is a Venereologist and What does he Treat?

Venereologist is a specialist in the sphere of sexually transmitted diseases and other genital infections. This doctor knows how to diagnose and cure the disease, which was received via open sexual contact. Besides, venereologists can give consultations on the prevention of STDs and they can help deal with the consequences of the disease.

What does a venereologist treat?

Both men and women can turn for help to this medical specialist. Venereologists can help in the treatment of viral, bacterial and fungal infections of the genitals. Here belong:

The bulk of these infections may be cured within a couple of weeks or even less. Of course, you can never get cured of HIV but the doctor can prescribe you the medicines, which can improve the quality of your life. Yet to get rid of the disease or at least get adequate treatment, you shouldn’t delay your visit to the venereologist.

symptoms of venereological diseases

When should you make an appointment to venereologist?

Visiting venereologist’s office should become your number one task in case:

  • You have recently had unprotected sexual intercourse with a new partner;
  • You have found out that your partner is infected with some kind of STD;
  • You have noticed some ulcers, pimples, warts or any other wounds in the genital area;
  • You have noticed some worrying symptoms you didn’t have before.

All these should make you alert and go to the doctors as soon as possible. Even if you don’t have any signs of the disease, it is still better to be checked by the venereologist as the bulk of STD’s may go without symptoms, especially in males.

What symptoms should make you visit the doctor?

The symptoms of most venereological diseases are similar. Among them are:

  • Green, yellow, white or purulent discharge from the penis (in men) or from the vagina (in women);
  • Smelly discharge from the genitals;
  • Frequent need to urinate;
  • Pain or burning sensations when passing the urine;
  • Redness, itching or rash in the genital area;
  • Ulcers, warts or pimples on the sex organs or around them.

Some genital infections may have other signs, yet these are the most common. The statistics on STDs is not calming. According to the American Sexual Health Association, one in two sexually active people gets an STD by the age of 25. The figures of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 20 million people get infected with a sexually transmitted disease. Half of them are less than 25.

Only being a responsible member of society, each of us can stop spreading STDs and HIV in particular. Let a visit to the venereologist be your first step to getting rid of these illnesses.

Published by Evelyn Green